how do i undress my crafting thralls conan - undress ai

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How do I Undress My Crafting Thralls in Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles is a popular open-world survival game where players can capture and enslave thralls to help them craft materials and items. However, there may come a time when you want to change the armor or clothing of your crafting thralls. In this guide, we will go over how to undress your crafting thralls in Conan Exiles.

Locating Your Crafting Thrall

The first step to undressing your crafting thrall is to locate them in your base or settlement. Thralls can usually be found near crafting stations such as the blacksmith’s bench or the carpenter’s bench. Once you have located your thrall, you can interact with them by pressing the appropriate button.

Accessing the Thrall’s Inventory

After interacting with your crafting thrall, you will need to access their inventory. This can be done by selecting the \”Inventory\” option from the thrall’s interaction menu. In the thrall’s inventory, you will see all of the items that the thrall is currently equipped with, including armor and clothing.

Removing the Thrall’s Armor and Clothing

To undress your crafting thrall, you will need to remove each piece of armor or clothing individually. You can do this by selecting the item you want to remove from the thrall’s inventory and choosing the \”Drop\” or \”Remove\” option. Repeat this process for each piece of armor or clothing until your thrall is completely undressed.

Equipping New Armor and Clothing

Once you have undressed your crafting thrall, you can equip them with new armor and clothing. To do this, you will need to have the desired items in your own inventory. Simply select the item you want to equip on your thrall and choose the \”Equip\” option from the thrall’s inventory menu.

Final Thoughts

Undressing your crafting thralls in Conan Exiles is a simple process that can be done in just a few easy steps. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily change the armor and clothing of your thralls to suit your preferences. Experiment with different looks and styles to make your thralls stand out in the harsh world of Conan Exiles!

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